Grow Your Business’s Talent – Grow REVENUEs!
Excelling at Employee Engagement Program

Improve The Bottom Line.
“The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that on average it costs a company 6 to 9 months of an employee’s salary to replace him or her. For an employee making $60,000 per year, that comes out to $30,000 to $45,000 in recruiting and training costs.” January 15, 2016.
So if your turnover is costing you roughly $45,000 per year, just think of the cost savings if you were able to reduce the turnover by 10% to 20%!
Excelling at Employee Engagement Coaching Program

During this 90 day online program, I will help you or your team identify turnover issues, create action plans to that will have an immediate impact in your business, and develop an ongoing internal cultural maintenance program that ensures your vision becomes a reality.
What you receive in the program:
10 Coaching Calls in which I will facilitate discussion around turnover causes, potential solutions and action plan implementation
Five online sessions including material with worksheets to help you improve employee engagement which will help decrease turnover.
Module 1: Determining Turnover Causes
Module 2: Analyze Your Company Turnover Data
Module 3: Discuss Turnover Contributing Factors
Module 4: Reviewing Results from Action Plan Implementation
Module 5: Creating A Maintenance Plan for Continuous Employee Engagement
Unlimited email support during the 90 days to support progress on action plans and brainstorming results
Employee Engagement
“Customers will never love your company until the employees love it first.” by Simon Sinek
Lower Turnover
Working with your data, let’s determine the root cause of the turnover and create an action plan to address the immediate concerns.
Increased Productivity

When you build a harmonious company culture, employees are more productive!