One quote I have lived by is “readers are leaders.”  I am a firm believer that we are meant to push our knowledge and understanding of the world around us through continuous learning – either from a formal education or using informal means.  For me, this means reading books, articles, blogs and anything that will help me understand the world better – especially related to leadership.  In fact, when asked to provide advice or guidance I will almost always end the conversation with “and here is a [ insert book title here] that can help you with this situation.”  To this day, staff and my kids will tease me and simply say “which book should I read for this?”

However, reading is only a small portion of the process.  To truly be a leader, you need to implement that which you are reading.  Think about it – I could be the most knowledgeable person in the room and yet, if I haven’t tried to implement what I have read have I really grown as a leader?  I challenge you to not only read but implement the new nuggets of knowledge that you have gained!

A few books that I feel all leaders should read include:

  • The 85% Solution by Galindo
  • Crucial Confrontations by Patterson, Green, McMillan and Switzer
  • The Most Important Questions by Drucker
  • Go-Givers Sell More by Burg and Mann
  • Change the Culture, Change the Game by Connors and Smith
  • Servant Leadership in Action by Blanchard and Broadwell